Hacking Higher Ed

Spring 2023

If you could design a university from scratch, what would you build, and for whom?

In this open-ended seminar, you will identify challenges faced by learners, interview stakeholders to validate assumptions, and make recommendations for the design of a new educational institution. You’ll have wide latitude to define your work over the semester. The faculty will help organize weekly meetings and will reach out to visiting mentors and guest speakers for you to interview. We’ll help you organize into teams and focus on an aspect of the design. Some examples (though by no means exhaustive) include: affordability, curriculum development and delivery, pedagogy, micro-credentials, collaboration with industry/recruiters, personal development and student well-being. The starting point of this analysis is the white paper prepared by the Project NEI team, as described here: https://www.projectnei.com. Throughout the semester, you’ll discuss and create the path from white-paper to reality.

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